Makeup as well as appeal blog Monday Poll, Vol. 315

Planting a lot more tomatoes for my deck garden

You may be wondering, “So what the heck is this Monday Poll thing anyway?”

No, to není moc z průzkumu. It’s a lot more just a regularly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random listing of concerns I’ve been putting out to visitors every Monday morning for the past seven years. I’ve always took pleasure in reading your answers in the comments, as well as I hope you take pleasure in reading mine.

Who wishes to be a mermaid princess?
Who doesn’t want to be a mermaid princess? You’re crazy if you state no to this.

This is Mermaid Princess Abbie, the child of my buddy Tiffany. Isn’t she the cutest?
What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever performed in quest of a dream?
One of my dreams for a long time was to not be so terrified of the ocean, ’cause I was not a strong swimmer in any way (I was even terrified in swimming pools if I couldn’t touch the bottom). I was like that up until my early 20s, when I was looking with a magazine someday as well as checked out about women who surfed. I believed to myself, “I truly want to do that.”

So I took a swimming class, joined a fitness center with a pool, as well as swam two times a week for six months. then my great buddy Cindy as well as I went to a week-long surf camp down in San Diego, as well as by the time we left, I was a surfer as well as was much a lot more comfortable in the water.

When was the last time you went to Portland?
I believe it was 10 years ago? I hope to go back soon so I can put a bird on it (“Put a bird on it!”). I ask since one of my buddies is checking out there now.

When was the last time you were stranded somewhere?
Apparently it’s been a while since I’m having difficulty remembering, LOL!

I believe it was in the ’90s when I was going to institution in Davis. I went to the shopping center as well as wasn’t truly paying interest to the bus schedule, so I ended up not having a trip home. I just keep in mind being in front of Macy’s with a lot of ruffians thinking, “How the hell did I get myself into this situation?”


Do you like going to online sporting events?
Only if I don’t have to pay attention, as well as if there’s hella beer as well as garlic fries.

Share an inspiring quote that you like.
“You are a kid of the universe, no less than the trees as well as the stars; you have a ideal to be here. as well as whether or not it is remove to you, no question the world is unfolding as it should.” – Max Ehrmann, from Desiderata.

Do you gush over babies?
When they’re smiling as well as using adorable outfits.

In what decade were you a teenager?
In the ’90s. Oughh! as well as it was rough. I would have killed to have appeal blogs as well as YouTube back then.

What’s one piece of furniture you’d like to replace in your home?
I dislike my freaking dresser drawers in my bedroom, as well as I’ve hated them considering that the day I brought them house something like 12 years back (I got it inexpensive off of Craigslist).

It’s in my nature to be…
I don’t know… It’s in my nature to be a worrywart.

BONUS! have you ever had a bedroom with wallpaper?
No, ’cause my parents were odd as well as only believed in white walls, however my finest buddy had Strawberry Shortcake wallpaper, as well as every single time I’d go to her home to play I was wracked with Strawberry Shortcake jealousy.

Teď jsi na řadě. just copy as well as paste the complying with concerns into a comment with your answers. I look ahead to reading ’em!

1. who wishes to be a mermaid princess?
2. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever performed in quest of a dream?
3. When was the last time you went to Portland?
4. When was the last time you were stranded somewhere?
5. Do you like going to online sporting events?
6. Share an inspiring quote that you like.
7. Do you gush over babies?
8. In what decade were you a teenager?
9. What’s one piece of furniture you’d like to replace in your home?
10. It’s in my nature to be…
11. BONUS! have you ever had a bedroom with wallpaper?


Vaše přátelské společenství odvolání závislý,


P.S. Monday doesn’t stand a possibility against us. Greatness awaits!

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